LolliStory 2

Here’s a great story for youth and kids! Lolli ventures to Beauty Land as she is led to believe she can be more beautiful there. She ends up trading away everything she loves but then finally discovers the essence of real beauty. A lovely and heartwarming story by Singaporean storyteller Neo Beng Choo and artwork by Neo Beng Poh. Includes Lolli voiceovers by Mikayla Khoo (2+) and a song by Chee Hui Ling.

Friday, August 22, 2008

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength

Today we had a church outreach to welcome the new chinese students who have come from China and Taiwan... I was part of the choir and we sang a very touching song. (even now the words and tune ring in my ears). And we did the skit called "hands" and I played the role of God who created man, but man turn against God and they crucified Jesus, God's son. It was a very simple skit but I felt very privilege to be able to convey the gospel to so many non-believers.

I remember as we were singing the first song "i will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart" (in chinese and super fast... tongue twister) this new undergrad girl from Shanghai ask me if the songs are only for christians to sing. i told her she can sing it too. Then we sang "ye di de chao" and "you yi wei shen". It bring back memories of my mission trips.

The testimony by zhu ming jie jie about how she came to know the Lord was very touching too. She just said it as it is... no hype or "powerful" experience. The wonderful thing about her testimony was that you sensed that she really encountered God personally in a most simple way. (bypassing logic and intellect, she is a post-doc student) it made my heart warm because I could identify with her experience with God. How do you know God? You just know.

All this is a very good pause and break from school work this week. I was super busy and i didnt have time even to take lunch this whole week. I had a stash of peanuts, cashew nuts, snickers and muesli bars in my cupboard in school, so I had to rely on that to get me through the day. I just felt so exhausted before the outreach as there was 101 things on my mind as to what I had to do... But the outreach was very meaningful and enjoyable... But not that I am not tired now... I am super tired now. but joyful.

I think what really encouraged me a lot was a prof hsu calling me after the outreach. We updated each other on what was happening in our lives and prayed. I feel challenged to meet for prayer at church on wednesday once again. I really felt discouraged cause the prayer meetings are in mandarin and I dont know how to pray in mandarin. Asking me to string a sentence in mandarin is difficult enough... praying... takes faith.

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